Google Street View

Many are long familiar with Google Street View. Using Google Maps, in most locations you can “zoom in” at street level view, as if you are viewing from a car, which in a sense….you are. Google constantly sends cars with 360 degree cameras mounted on the roof to capture these images. The past few years, they have expanded to providing inside views of businesses. Unlike how they accomplish outside street views, Google has created a network of localized photographers to have the ability to capture and upload inside street views to their specifications. 

We are a certified Google Street View Trusted Photographer. TebWeb has developed a simple pricing package suitable for most small town retailers and businesses. Some samples are featured below. We have made it a simple and quick process to create and publish Street View images. A typical photo shoot is under one hour, and usually done either before opening hours, or after closing.

360 lighting instrument.

For interiors, proper lighting is always key to good photos. This is also true for 360 degree photography. We utilize a lighting device that TebWeb developed and patented to properly light 360 degree photos. Even if a space is well lit, our lighting device can help fill shadows and improve definition, making your interior street view images stand out from others.

In 360 photography, it is known as “Little Planet” or “Tiny Planet.”  Aside from producing images viewable in all directions, 360 cameras can also create unique looking traditional photos. These “Little Planet” viewpoints make great posts for social media like Instagram. A great way to stand out through images. Some examples:

360 "Tiny Planet" view of our office.
360 "Tiny Planet" view
360 "Tiny Planet" view of a museum interior.
360 "Tiny Planet" view

Pricing and Options:

  • $100 – Up to 3 High Resolution 360 images of your business/establishment.
  • $15 – Creation of (2) “Tiny Planet” images.
  • $25 – Up to 2 additional images.
  • Posting to Google Maps.
  • Can be embedded into websites.
We recently joined the “1 million photo views club”