Google Street View Trusted

March 22, 2019 0 Comments

Earlier this year, I started creating/posting 360 images to Google Street View. I have been amazed at the views all of my images have been getting. All local sites and some of the interiors I have produced locally. There is a BIG audience out there looking at these! By posting enough images of quality, a photographer can become “Trusted” and market services for hire to produce for Street View. I am now at that status, and ready to help put businesses and sites on the Google Street View map. It’s great for Google to allow this, and a genius way to provide coverage of places their car isn’t able to go to–like inside walkable parks and buildings.

Below is one of my latest high-resolution samples captured with the GoPro rig: a popular local kids attraction that reached its first 500 views in just a few days after posting:

To showcase the interior of buildings, I can implement my exclusive Patent Pending lighting technology to capture dark interiors with clarity. The example below is a special place: the study where Oscar Hammerstein II penned many of Boradway’s most famous lyrics, from his home in Doylestown, PA.


One of my first interior business shoots using this lighting system is of a local co-working office space. Even withhaving some natural daylight, the light is useful for fill.


Have a business or location to showcase not only on Google Street View for potential visitors/customers, but your own web and social media outlets as well? I have rates starting at $100. Contact me at my TebWeb 360 site for details!