International Broadcast Center

February 2, 2018 0 Comments

While we are working the Opening Ceremonies, we get bussed everyday from our condos to the IBC, then onto the stadium. This is the central hub for the various broadcasters. Every country with major broadcast rights is set up here. Interesting walking the halls hearing many different languages spoken.

We got a chance to peak in on NBC’s area. The pic below is the central control room where the various feeds from the different events are distributed to one of their 4 networks. This includes on location studios. The four bigger screens in the top right corner is the main output of each of these channels. Main NBC, NBCSN, CNBC and USA. This infrastructure far exceeds anything a truck could possibly do, so it is built for this purpose. And after the games are finished, all of the equipment will get shipped to the next games (Tokyo 2020). The building will remain as an empty shell. Even the dividing walls will come down and ship to Tokyo.

Hanging on the walls of the NBC area: old posters from all of the games! So cool to see these!

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