Ready for business!

August 14, 2021 0 Comments

It is time for the big announcement concerning the future of TebWeb Innovations. After slowly  building as a part time venture, providing video content and inventing creative solutions to create that content in my local community, coupled with a desire to start a different career direction, I am pleased to announce that I am taking TebWeb Innovations (LLC) full time!  In the past few months, I have acquired an office space in the Cross Keys area of Doylestown, PA.  I made it a “cozy place” for spending what will be lots of time working on video projects. 

TebWeb Innovations main room

Editing video is just a part of what I plan to offer.  I have also acquired a high end Matterport 3D/360 Scanner/Camera system.  Utilizing the Matterport process, I can now offer high end virtual tours of real estate and commercial properties. For more info on those services, look to this link.

I have been involved in video production/broadcast engineering for over 35 years.  Twenty-one of those years spent working around the continent on countless sports broadcasts as a mobile unit engineer. With TebWeb Innovations, I get to combine the creative skills of developing content, with the technical skills to create that content in unique ways.  Even though I am now taking a different direction, I still plan to freelance on mobile broadcasting events as time permits. As with any tech industry, it is important to be able to keep current in that tech.   

To officially “turn the sign to OPEN,” the following video offers an introduction of myself, and what I can do with TebWeb Innovations. I look forward to working with you!

Introduction to TebWeb Innovations