Inside the NBC Truck.

February 10, 2018 0 Comments

Now for some pics and descriptions on the inside of “our trucks,” the two tractor trailers we floated over here for NBC’s control room for the Opening Ceremonies. This is a panoramic view of the Production Room. Where the Director called the shots, and the TD (Technical Director) operated the Switcher to execute the show. […]

Around the Olympic Stadium

February 9, 2018 0 Comments

Now that the big night has arrived, they seem to have lowered their guard on “No Photography” during the times of rehearsals for the Opening Ceremony. And now that the event is over when I post this, it’s safe to show things! It is a 50,000 seat outdoor stadium, mostly a temporary structure. I’m told […]

A love story in 11 steps….

February 7, 2018 0 Comments

Along Gyeongpoho Lake in Gangneung, South Korea is a walking path containing the love story of “Park Sin & Hong Jang” as told through a series of 11 bronze sculptures along the path. The lake butts up to Gyeongpo Beach. I have not been successful finding anything more about who they were, or if it […]

Dinners in downtown Gangneung.

February 5, 2018 0 Comments

Many days the first week, we have been finished and back to the condos around 7pm ish. On two of those nights, we walked to the downtown area. Much of this area seems to have been built for the Olympics, but will remain after we are all gone. It’s almost like they wanted to build […]

Hello, thank you and other cultural isms

February 5, 2018 0 Comments

I’ve been in South Korea nearly a week. Although I’ve spent much of that time working in various media areas, I’ve seen a few things around the area to be exposed to the local culture. One thing I’m determined to do, is to make as good attempt as I can to speak some Korean. Finding […]

International Broadcast Center

February 2, 2018 0 Comments

While we are working the Opening Ceremonies, we get bussed everyday from our condos to the IBC, then onto the stadium. This is the central hub for the various broadcasters. Every country with major broadcast rights is set up here. Interesting walking the halls hearing many different languages spoken. We got a chance to peak […]

Traditional Meal

January 31, 2018 0 Comments

After a day of site seeing at a historic national park and museum, we looked around on the way back for a place to eat. It was looking like most places weren’t open until closer to dinner time (It was 2pm). We found a place empty, small, but open……and it looked like it had pictures […]

Long day of travel!

January 29, 2018 0 Comments

It’s finally here! Time to light this candle (torch). I’ve spent my last week seeing friends out in town, doing “last time for a while,” and telling lots of people “see you in March.” Writing this in the middle of what will total about 23 hours of travel. Started at 3:30am when I left my […]

What do I do, anyway?

January 13, 2018 0 Comments

Realizing that I will probably have some folks reading this who aren’t familiar with what it is I do for a living, and why it is taking me to South Korea, here is a primer. I work as an Engineer on a set of two mobile broadcast production trailers (NCP 8 & NCP B8). My […]

They float! The trucks float! (Sort of…….)

January 11, 2018 0 Comments

Saw these pics in my Facebook feed of our drivers Ron & Eli, who saw the trucks off on their way across the Pacific. They are riding in a huge vehicle transport carrier named “Don Quijote” Love the name! What I didn’t know was that there is a public website that lets us track the […]